Aged care quality and safety
Since the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, aged care facilities have been moving their practice to align with the shift in measuring and assessing aged care standards. The overall aim of the shift in evaluation is to move from process driven outputs to service level outcomes, that is to define and measure the clients experience and outcomes, encouraging the service to focus the future into a client-centred and directed care industry.
Recently (July 2020) the Australian Aging Agenda, cited findings from the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety (between July 2019 and January 2020). They informed that, overall, most people believe that the delivery of services in aged care are satisfactory. Eg: facilities are clean, facilities are safe, provide timely access to healthcare. However they also believe that the quality of life for residents is quite negative. There is substantial belief that most residents are lonely, unhappy and do not have any control over their life.
“There’s a pretty strong perception that food quality is not very good, people aren’t particularly happy and they don’t have much control over their lives.” Infact, less than half of people think residents get good quality food (35 per cent), are happy (23 per cent) or have control over their lives (22 per cent).
In all service and care industries, it is “one to one” encounters that determine the care experience of our clients, this mean the aged care industry is reliant on the individual interactions between client and carer to reach and maintain a high quality standard.
Since the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, aged care facilities have been moving their practice to align with the shift in measuring and assessing aged care standards. The overall aim of the shift in evaluation is to move from process driven outputs to service level outcomes, that is to define and measure the clients experience and outcomes, encouraging the service to focus the future into a client-centred and directed care industry.
Recently (July 2020) the Australian Aging Agenda, cited findings from the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety (between July 2019 and January 2020). They informed that, overall, most people believe that the delivery of services in aged care are satisfactory. Eg: facilities are clean, facilities are safe, provide timely access to healthcare. However they also believe that the quality of life for residents is quite negative. There is substantial belief that most residents are lonely, unhappy and do not have any control over their life.
“There’s a pretty strong perception that food quality is not very good, people aren’t particularly happy and they don’t have much control over their lives.” Infact, less than half of people think residents get good quality food (35 per cent), are happy (23 per cent) or have control over their lives (22 per cent).
In all service and care industries, it is “one to one” encounters that determine the care experience of our clients, this mean the aged care industry is reliant on the individual interactions between client and carer to reach and maintain a high quality standard.
Experience the PB West difference -
training that matters, training that changes life experiences
At PB West we work to educate those that work with seniors and vulnerable people to facilitate personal safety and empowerment in every interaction. As a result, your clients will be empowered, feel valued, and central to the construction of their experience. These elements are essential in helping someone to feel safe and empowered.
The internationally endorsed and proven Universals Plus Protective Behaviours program trains professionals in the social and emotional framework, themes, concepts, and strategies of the PB program, so that they can teach and role model this to their client group. Protective Behaviours is an internationally recognised empowerment and safety program that teaches anti-victimisation strategies, but also teaches people not to victimise. It facilitates positive self-concept and promotes the value of each interaction in promoting positive self-perception.
We know that your staff will benefit greatly from this training and your clients will feel and experince an increase in thier quality of living.
We are also available to run in-house training at reduced cost at your organisation.
training that matters, training that changes life experiences
At PB West we work to educate those that work with seniors and vulnerable people to facilitate personal safety and empowerment in every interaction. As a result, your clients will be empowered, feel valued, and central to the construction of their experience. These elements are essential in helping someone to feel safe and empowered.
The internationally endorsed and proven Universals Plus Protective Behaviours program trains professionals in the social and emotional framework, themes, concepts, and strategies of the PB program, so that they can teach and role model this to their client group. Protective Behaviours is an internationally recognised empowerment and safety program that teaches anti-victimisation strategies, but also teaches people not to victimise. It facilitates positive self-concept and promotes the value of each interaction in promoting positive self-perception.
We know that your staff will benefit greatly from this training and your clients will feel and experince an increase in thier quality of living.
We are also available to run in-house training at reduced cost at your organisation.
In this training participants will:
At PB West we work from a strengths-based perspective, where we believe in investing in social capability. Our practice is grounded in upholding, respecting, advocating and role modeling our responsibility to and responsibility for the right for us all to feel safe all the time.
Book an inservice workshop for your staff training, bespoke models available
In this training participants will:
- Learn themes, concepts and strategies that can assist their clients to develop increased positive self-concept, self-determination, self-worth, agency and self-esteem.
- Identify and develop strategies to assist clients in regaining feelings of safety, empowerment, respect, wellbeing and agency for clients in residential care settings.
- Gain competence in using the language of safety to promote the safety and wellbeing of seniors and vulnerable people, ensuring environment, language and body language and processes are congruent with messages of safety, creating spaces where clients are empowered and welcomed.
- Gain understanding and recognition of the values of human rights, by recognising and respecting our responsibility for our own rights and responsibility to others rights.
- Demonstrate connection, empathy and understand the key value and importance of interpersonal relationships.
- Develop a deep understanding of safety, wellbeing and empowerment for themselves and their clients.
- Promote feelings of self-determination with clients.
- Be confident supporting clients to be proactive in planning their care and needs.
- Understand and identify social and emotional context for clients in their residential care setting and how this can impact on person’s ability to feel safe.
At PB West we work from a strengths-based perspective, where we believe in investing in social capability. Our practice is grounded in upholding, respecting, advocating and role modeling our responsibility to and responsibility for the right for us all to feel safe all the time.
Book an inservice workshop for your staff training, bespoke models available